What should I bring to my first consultation?

MRI/ CT reports and/or discs of images

Blood test results

Contact information of your preferred pharmacy

List of medications you are taking


What will happen at my first consultation? At subsequent appointments?

Dr. Carey will spend as much time as is needed to obtain your medical history and learn about the reason for your visit. She will then perform a thorough physical and neurological examination. A plan of action will then be established, including the arrangement for any necessary diagnostic studies, and appropriate follow-up.

Follow-up appointments are tailored to the needs of the individual. Imaging studies and other diagnostic studies will be reviewed and explained. A follow-up neurological examination will be performed. Medications will be reviewed and adjusted as needed. Any new or persistent concerns that the patient develops will be addressed.


 How is payment made?

Payment is expected at the time of your visit.  As a courtesy, our office will submit a claim to your insurance so that you may receive whatever out-of-network benefits entitled to you as contracted with your specific medical insurance plan. Cash, credit cards and checks accepted.


What is the channel for ongoing communication with Dr. Carey?

Dr. Carey believes that open lines of communication are essential for a doctor-patient relationship. She provides direct contact information at the time of the visit.